Best Bullhorn recruitment automation training tips barclay jones

Automation Tip - Nail Your Date Ranges in Automation Lists


​​We've got an automation tip to help you ensure that you can really target the data (candidates and clients) you need to source, sell to, and place.

We help recruiters to source quicker, and sell more, through our Automation Buddy program. Automation can positively transform a recruitment business - when it works. But when it doesn't work it feels like it simply costs money and keeps you reliant on Linkedin, Job Boards and other expensive data sources and tech.

Don't Miss Out On a Hot Date (Or Sale)!

When you build automations, they can be date-related, but I often see lists that aren't quite right, date ranges are setup incorrectly, and this means that you'll be missing out on vital sales (and candidate) opportunities. This can really affect automation ROI (and RoE - return on effort!)


In my recent "5 Automations to Make You Money" webinar I explored how to create good quality lists to target your time and attention and keep hungry recruiters busy with the right calls. For example, you'll want to target lapsed clients, wake them up, and get them back into paying clients. These automations really need to work!

But I have a fix for you to ensure that your lists and automations really drive revenue.

Watch My Quick 1-Minute Automation Video, Nail Your Date Ranges, and Make More Money

Automation Buddy

We are Automation Buddies set on helping ambitious recruitment businesses who want to drive revenue using automation.


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