Automation Tip - Nail Your Date Ranges in Automation Lists
We've got an automation tip to help you ensure that you can really target the data (candidates and clients) you need to source, sell to, and place.We help recruiters to source quicker, and sell more, through our Automation Buddy program. Automation can positively transform a recruitment business - when it works. But when it doesn't work it feels like it simply costs money and keeps you reliant on Linkedin, Job Boards and other expensive data sources and tech.Don't Miss Out On a Hot Date (Or Sale)!When you build automations, they can be date-related, but I often see lists that aren't quite right, date ranges are setup incorrectly, and this means that you'll be missing out on vital sales (and candidate) opportunities. This can really affect automation ROI (and RoE - return on effort!)Damn!In my recent "5 Automations to Make You Money" webinar I explored how to create good quality lists to target your time and attention and keep hungry recruiters busy with the right calls. For example, you'll want to target lapsed clients, wake them up, and get them back into paying clients. These automations really need to work!But I have a fix for you to ensure that your lists and automations really drive revenue.Watch My Quick 1-Minute Automation Video, Nail Your Date Ranges, and Make More MoneyAutomation BuddyWe are Automation Buddies set on helping ambitious recruitment businesses who want to drive revenue using automation.READ ABOUT OUR AUTOMATION BUDDY SERVICENeed more Bullhorn / Automation Tips?Try our 1-minute tips.Be sure to sign up for (or watch the recordings of) our regular free Bullhorn and Automation webinars.CHECK OUT OUR WEBINARS
AI Recruiter Tip ~ Turbo Your Candidate Screening and Sales Calls with AI
Try this intelligent 1-minute AI tip to help you turbo-boost your recruitment screening and sales calls. AI is the new black... but its impact on recruitment and recruiters has yet to be truly understood.And whilst it's not yet going to handle the full recruitment life cycle, I wanted to share my take on how AI could be used to drive great recruitment phone calls! (In seconds!)Pickup the Phone!I'm a big fan of recruiters using tech to help them drive profitable desks.I'm also a massive fan of picking up the phone and speaking to people.But it seems the more tech and data recruiters get, the less time they spend talking to candidates and clients.Having access to tech should not reduce the need to speak to people, but somehow, recruiters seem to be making less calls.Phone calls ~ MonetisedWhat I also often hear from recruitment leaders is that screening and sales calls are not structured well enough.But…Candidate screening / registration calls need to be more than box-ticking “are you alive?” chats.Dropouts and counter offers can be avoided if screening and registration calls are more structured.Leads could be better qualified, or even disqualified if sales calls were more focussed.On my Recruitment HIIT recruitment training system, we have lots of tips and tricks to help you recruit better, sell more effectively, and use tech to create a rewarding and profitable recruitment desk. AI is top of many a recruiter's "how can I?" list - so I’ve created a short 1-minute tip to help recruiters use AI to “SPIN” their screening and sales calls.Watch my 1-minute Bullhorn tip - then go to your preferred AI tool and use it to help you generate some killer questions to help you turbo your screening and registration calls, and sales calls.Watch My AI SPIN Selling Tip for RecruitersNeed more Linkedin / Bullhorn / Automation / Recruitment Tips? Try our 1-minute tips.Be sure to sign up for (or watch the recordings of) our regular free Bullhorn and Automation webinars.CHECK OUT OUR WEBINARSRecruitment TrainingWe deliver the best Recruitment and Bullhorn training through live webinars and our online training platform, Recruitment HIIT.TRY HIIT FREE HERE
Bullhorn Tip - Saved List Layouts Hack - Get Productive!
We've got a great 1-minute Bullhorn tip to help you source, sell, and generally work faster. Saved list layouts in Bullhorn are absolutely invaluable. But I often find in my Bullhorn Training that recruiters do not know about them or have forgotten to set them up. Let's increase speed and get more productive!Layouts - Saved!This Bullhorn tip is great for:Sourcing candidates.Candidate management.Client management.Job management.Keep on top of your 3Ts - tasks, time, targets!Watch my 1-minute Bullhorn tip - then go to Bullhorn and save some layouts. And note that you can create different layouts according to what type of recruitment you are doing - nice! Watch Our Bullhorn Tip to Save Your List LayoutsNeed more Bullhorn / Automation Tips? Try our 1-minute tips.Be sure to sign up for (or watch the recordings of) our regular free Bullhorn and Automation webinars.CHECK OUT OUR WEBINARSBullhorn TrainingWe deliver the best Recruitment and Bullhorn training through live webinars and our online training platform, Recruitment HIIT.Our recruitment training helps new and experienced recruiters qualify their jobs, speedily source and advertise, and improve their screening. It boosts CV to interview ratios, whilst giving great tips to prevent counter offers, and secure the placement and beyond.Plus, if you have Bullhorn, Analytics, Automation, SourceBreaker, LinkedIn, Calendly, Teams, Daxtra, Broadbean, idibu, Hinterview, Paiger, Adapt, we train on those too!TRY HIIT FREE HERE
Bullhorn Tip - Source Quicker With Favourites
We've got a favourite 1-minute Bullhorn tip to help you source quicker. Drowning in candidates but needing to find them quickly can be super frustrating - and massively time-consuming. Spending too long sourcing means the rest of your recruitment workflow (screening, nurturing, managing, placing) takes a hit! We have a Bullhorn tip to help you increase sourcing speed. (Who needs LinkedIn and job adverts when you likely have all the candidates you need on Bullhorn already!?) Favourite the Search! You likely need lists of tip-top candidates you want to return to at speed. Creating a search and favouriting it is a must!You can even make your searches Public (sharing is caring) or Private.Easy! Watch my 1-minute Bullhorn tip - then go to Bullhorn and create some faves! Watch Our Bullhorn Tip to Create Favourite SearchesNeed more Bullhorn / Automation Tips? Try our 1-minute tips.Be sure to sign up for (or watch the recordings of) our regular free Bullhorn and Automation webinars.CHECK OUT OUR WEBINARSBullhorn TrainingWe deliver the best Recruitment and Bullhorn training through live webinars and our online training platform, Recruitment HIIT.Our recruitment training helps new and experienced recruiters qualify their jobs, speedily source and advertise, and improve their screening. It boosts CV to interview ratios, whilst giving great tips to prevent counter offers, and secure the placement and beyond.Plus, if you have Bullhorn, Analytics, Automation, SourceBreaker, LinkedIn, Calendly, Teams, Daxtra, Broadbean, idibu, Hinterview, Paiger, Adapt, we train on those too!TRY HIIT FREE HERE
Bullhorn Tip - Get Organised with Tasks
Try to this speedy Bullhorn 1-minute tip to help you get organised and do more of the "good stuff"!We know that the average recruiter needs a time machine, a PA, a 24-hour day, and a sense of humour! And we know that productivity in recruitment has never been more important!Recruiter Productivity StatsThe average employee spends 2 hours 11 minutes procrastinating every day. (Source: Zippia)Up to 80% of the average working day is spent on activities with little or no value. (Source: Cornerstone)Recruiters have no more than a total of 75 minutes of undistracted, productive working time per day. (Source: Cal Newport)But if you have Bullhorn, the Task feature will help you stay focused, and at least keep your candidate and client activities on track!Don't Miss Opportunities!In the very least, use Bullhorn Tasks to:Manage your candidate management tasks.Drive your client sales / BD / Account management tasks.Turbo your recruitment lifecycle and ensure that you get your jobs placed and quick!Optimise your placement process: referrals, check-ins, follow-ups, feedback, testimonials.Watch Our 1-Minute Bullhorn Tip to Help You Get Organised with TasksNeed more LinkedIn / Bullhorn / Automation / Recruitment Tips?Try our 1-minute tips.Be sure to sign up for (or watch the recordings of) our regular free Bullhorn and Automation webinars.CHECK OUT OUR WEBINARSBullhorn ROI + Trained Happy Recruiters = More SalesWe pride ourselves on helping recruitment leaders achieve Bullhorn ROI. We create a Bullhorn1st vision, reduce the need for other tech, optimise Bullhorn, automate their sales-prevention processes and data, and train recruiters to trust it and use it.ARRANGE A FREE CONSULTATION NOW
Automation Tip - Use Map View to Stay Organised
Try this 1-minute automation tip to help you stay super-organised and effective.On my Automation Buddy programs, I use Map View to help me map and plan the various automations that I coach on and build for ambitious recruitment businesses. Get Organised with AutomationsMap View is a Bullhorn Automation feature which will help you get super organised and effective.I have created 4 groups to help me stay organised and drive the implementation of my automations.BacklogIn DevelopmentContent NeededQA/TestingThis helps me manage the build and go live process - and is a great way of project managing using a Kanban style.It's quick, efficient, and helps me stay focused when I'm often building numerous recruitment and sales automations.Watch My Quick 1-Minute Automation Tip and Get OrganisedAutomation BuddyWe are Automation Buddies set on helping ambitious recruitment businesses who want to drive revenue using automation.READ ABOUT OUR AUTOMATION BUDDY SERVICENeed more Bullhorn / Automation Tips?Try our 1-minute tips.Be sure to sign up for (or watch the recordings of) our regular free Bullhorn and Automation webinars.CHECK OUT OUR WEBINARS
Bullhorn Tip - Quick Icons for Speedy Screening, Interviews, and Sales Calls
Try this iconic 1-minute Bullhorn tip to help you prep like a star for screening calls, interviews, and sales calls. We know that being on the phone is a key part of a recruiter and resourcer's job. Being prepped for your screening, interviews, and sales calls is key!Quick Icons for Speedy and Efficient RecruitmentBullhorn's quick icons have always been there, but when we train recruiters to use Bullhorn, we often find that not all of you use them.These icons are super handy to help you prep. The Google, Linkedin and Map buttons can help you make light work of your research.Use these icons to help you speedily find out crucial intel on your candidates (and of course clients too!)Something to really be aware of is that your candidates and clients will be researching you, and each other - so get there first! Use these icons on you - what results do you get? Then use them on your candidates, prospects and clients.Watch this 1-minute Bullhorn tip - then log in to Bullhorn and try it.Watch Our 1-Minute Bullhorn Tip to Help you Screen, Interview and SellNeed more LinkedIn / Bullhorn / Automation / Recruitment Tips?Try our 1-minute tips.Be sure to sign up for (or watch the recordings of) our regular free Bullhorn and Automation webinars.CHECK OUT OUR WEBINARSBullhorn ROI + Trained Happy Recruiters = More SalesWe pride ourselves on helping recruitment leaders achieve Bullhorn ROI. We create a Bullhorn1st vision, reduce the need for other tech, optimise Bullhorn, automate their sales-prevention processes and data, and train recruiters to trust it and use it.ARRANGE A FREE CONSULTATION NOW
Bullhorn Tip - Note Action Types for Smart BD, Account and Candidate Management
We have a super easy 1-minute Bullhorn tip to help you manage your candidate and client relationships.Having lots of candidate and client data, but not being targetted with your time and effort is lunacy! BD, Account Management, Candidate Pool ManagementSearching on Bullhorn's note action types will help you be smart with your time and relationships. Find candidates who you need to reach out to:Prevent dropouts.Keep candidates warm.Prevent counter offers.Source for your jobs.Find contacts you need to manage, to:Protect your accounts. Work them harder and smarter!Develop business quicker and easier.Prevent your accounts from becoming "at risk". Watch this 1-minute Bullhorn tip - then log in to Bullhorn and try finding contacts using note actions and see what opportunities you can uncover and work. Watch Our 1-Minute Bullhorn Tip to Help You Manage Your Relationships (and Sales)Need more LinkedIn / Bullhorn / Automation / Recruitment Tips? Try our 1-minute tips.Be sure to sign up for (or watch the recordings of) our regular free Bullhorn and Automation webinars.CHECK OUT OUR WEBINARSBullhorn ROI + Trained Happy Recruiters = More SalesWe pride ourselves on helping recruitment leaders achieve Bullhorn ROI. We create a Bullhorn1st vision, reduce the need for other tech, optimise Bullhorn, automate their sales-prevention processes and data, and train recruiters to trust it and use it.ARRANGE A FREE CONSULTATION NOW
Bullhorn Tip - Note Templates for Smart Screening, Registration, and Pipelining
We have a fab 1-minute tip to use Bullhorn to help you drive your screening and registration calls.Plus, it will also save you time, help you get more organised, and protect your fees! Note Templates = EfficiencyOne of my favourite Bullhorn features is Note Templates.They are so easy to setup.They save you time and help you be more organised. They will drive more effective screening and registration calls.Plus, they will prompt you to answer the right questions to help you prevent dropouts and counter offers.Result! Watch this 1-minute Bullhorn tip - then log in to Bullhorn and setup your own note templates. Watch My 1-Minute Bullhorn Tip to Help Screen and Source EfficientlyNeed more LinkedIn / Bullhorn / Automation / Recruitment Tips? Try our 1-minute tips.Be sure to sign up for (or watch the recordings of) our regular free Bullhorn and Automation webinars.CHECK OUT OUR WEBINARSBullhorn ROI + Trained Happy Recruiters = More SalesWe pride ourselves on helping recruitment leaders achieve Bullhorn ROI. We create a Bullhorn1st vision, reduce the need for other tech, optimise Bullhorn, automate their sales-prevention processes and data, and train recruiters to trust it and use it.ARRANGE A FREE CONSULTATION NOW
Automation Tip - Housekeeping to Increase Speed and ROI
We've got a 1-minute tip to ensure that your automations increase speed and ROI - and it's all about housekeeping!Often, housekeeping an automation platform is the last thing on anyone's mind, especially when recruiters need quick wins like more leads, opportunities, candidates and clients, and placements!But on my Automation Buddy programs, where I coach and build automations for ambitious recruitment businesses, I often find their automation system bloated, difficult to manage, sluggish, and driving little ROI.I find:Too many lists.Active automations which no longer needed.Duplicated surveys.Unnecessary fields are syncing.Difficult to assess ROI.The Impact? Anti-ROIWhen you don't keep your automation system clean, and you ignore regular housekeeping, you will inadvertently achieve the total opposite of what automation was setup to do for you.Wasted time: You spend time unpicking each time you want to build a new automation, or when you want to analyse an existing automation.Spam and disengagement: You risk spamming or over-communicating with candidates, contacts, and recruiters, creating disengagement and unsubscribes.Reduced speed: Your automations may actually slow down and create delays with processing unnecessary data.But I have a fix for you to ensure that automation housekeeping is on point keeps your system running smoothly and delivering massive ROI.Watch My Quick 1-Minute Automation Video, Nail Your HousekeepingAutomation BuddyWe are Automation Buddies set on helping ambitious recruitment businesses who want to drive revenue using automation.READ ABOUT OUR AUTOMATION BUDDY SERVICENeed more Bullhorn / Automation Tips? Try our 1-minute tips.Be sure to sign up for (or watch the recordings of) our regular free Bullhorn and Automation webinars.CHECK OUT OUR WEBINARS
Automation Tip - Get More Leads and Candidates With Tracking
We have a Bullhorn Automation tip to help you prove the ROI of your automations, and will also feed your hungry recruiters some warm candidates and clients.Speedier sourcing!Easier sales!The website tracking feature of Bullhorn Automation is normally setup right at the beginning of the automation project, but we often find automators forget about it, or it's misunderstood.Let's Track to Get More Sales!Yes, of course you can use automation to clean your data. (Monetise your data so you need less!)Yes, you can use it for marketing. (BD, account management, candidate attraction - nurture!)Yes, you can automate job advertising. (Reduce reliance on LinkedIn and job boards.)But you can also use it to track behaviours on your website.Let's setup some actions (or buying signals) of our ideal candidates and clients. Let's track these prospects, so you can get on the with good stuff - phoning, building relationships, and converting into sales!Watch Our 1-Minute Website Tracking Automation TipAutomation BuddyWe are Automation Buddies set on helping ambitious recruitment businesses who want to drive revenue using automation.READ ABOUT OUR AUTOMATION BUDDY SERVICENeed more Bullhorn / Automation Tips?Try our 1-minute tips.Be sure to sign up for (or watch the recordings of) our regular free Bullhorn and Automation webinars.CHECK OUT OUR WEBINARS
LinkedIn Tip - Increase Your SSI and RoE in 1 Minute
Try this speedy 1-minute LinkedIn tip to help you increase your profile views and InMail responses, so you can spend more time recruiting and selling.Recruiters! I know that every minute counts when you're recruiting.You need time for:BD and account management.Candidate screening calls.Nurturing candidates from application through to placement, and ideally referral.Nurturing contacts from prospect through to invoice and referral / repeat business stage.And lunch and toilet breaks.You Do Not Need LinkedIn RecruiterWhat you should not need to do is waste crazy amounts of time and money on LinkedIn, sourcing from the same pools as your competitors and clients.As part of my Recruitment HIIT recruitment training workouts, we cover how to weaponise the free version of Linkedin so you can spend less time on LinkedIn, more time on your CRM (your USP!), and more time on the phone managing your candidates, clients, jobs, and sales!Nice!This speedy 1-minute LinkedIn tip helps you improve your productivity.Click this link and get your SSI score. Note the advice the results screen gives you and what you need to do to improve your score, so that you improve your LinkedIn return of effort!Then:Try my LinkedIn HIIT for tips to improve your profile, LinkedIn lead gen, InMail responses, and return on effort (RoE)!Start making neat changes to how you engage with LinkedIn, and how it engages with you!Check your SSI score weekly and watch it increase. And see how your profile views and InMail responses increase too!Some of my clients have competitions to see which recruiter or resourcer can get the highest score! (Cute!)Watch My 1-Minute LinkedIn SSI Score TipNeed more Linkedin / Bullhorn / Automation / Recruitment Tips? Try our 1-minute tips.Be sure to sign up for (or watch the recordings of) our regular free Bullhorn and Automation webinars.CHECK OUT OUR WEBINARSRecruitment TrainingWe deliver the best Recruitment and Bullhorn training through live webinars and our online training platform, Recruitment HIIT.TRY HIIT FREE HERE
Clean data
Improved recruiter performance
Engaged candidates
Retained clients