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Bullhorn Tip - Silver Medal Recruitment - Easy Placements


We​'ve got a sterling silver Bullhorn 1-minute tip to help you easily place more candidates. Winner!

There are plenty of candidates in Bullhorn that you can place... Find and place the silver medallists who were 2nd in line to a placement you made.

Place More Candidates - Easy!

  • Focussing only on your gold medallists, the candidates who were offered and placed, is short-sighted!

  • Actively working, and placing, your silver medallists is SMART!

  • Just because they were rejected, may not mean that they are unplaceable.

Watch my 1-minute Bullhorn tip - then log in to Bullhorn and find your silver medallists. How many do you have? Which jobs can you put them forward for? Could you spec them out to clients?

Watch My 1-Minute Bullhorn Tip to Help You Place Silver Medal Candidates

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