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How Can You Improve Recruiter Productivity with Automation?


There's always room for improved productivity in recruitment. This Bullhorn Automation webinar gave some great tips on how to use automation to drive productivity and performance.

Speedier sourcing, stronger BD, quicker time to hire, or stronger relationships driving stronger accounts, are key goals for many recruitment leaders and their recruiters.

However, with too much tech and data, and not enough automation, recruitment is often an "everything, everywhere, all at once" sector. And being more productive just means working longer hours, or buying more tech that you haven't got the time to get ROI from.

Automation Is a Time Machine

Automation isn't new - we've had it since the dawn of time. But in recruitment, it's a recent game-changer!

  • Smart! Automation can create a super-smart recruitment process.  

  • Warm! Automation can keep your candidates and clients happy (and warm).

  • Sustainable! Automation can make you and your team and time more sustainable.

Along with our Bullhorn Productivity Tips for Recruiters webinar, we ran this webinar which was devoted to automation and how it can be used to help recruiters and their leaders improve productivity. I chatted about at least 5 automations you can build straight away which will drive speed, pipeline, and happiness.

Watch my latest Bullhorn Automation webinar where I explored how to use Bullhorn Automation to:

  1. Treat your Bullhorn database like a community (not a data dump).

  2. Reduce reliance on expensive 3rd party systems like LinkedIn Recruiter and Job Boards.

  3. Help your recruiters become more organised and effective.

  4. Shortlist candidates at speed - nice!

Watch Our Automated Productivity Webinar

Automation Buddy

We are Automation Buddies set on helping ambitious recruitment businesses who want to drive revenue using automation.


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