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Automation ROI Webinar Series: Account Management


​​​What's the ultimate ROI from automation? This Bullhorn Automation webinar kicked off a new season of free automation webinars focusing on ROI - return on investment.

First stop? Account Management.

Our 400+ Bullhorn Automation implementations and Automation Buddy programs have given us the unique experience of 100s of use cases that we want to share with you to help you scale, grow, and bill more. (Plus, give you head space no matter what lunacy is happening in the market and world!)

Over the coming months, we'll be focussing on:

  • BD.

  • Sourcing.

  • Candidate management.

  • Job management.

  • Recruiter productivity.

...and other crucial recruitment topics we know are crucial to help experienced automators drive their automations harder, and recruiters new to automation understand the true value of what it can do for them.

Automation ROI = Account Management

We know that:

  • It's 6-7 times cheaper to keep existing clients. (Source: Invesp)

  • 50% of sales time is spent on unproductive prospecting. (Source: The B2B Lead)

  • Increasing client retention by as little as 5% can boost profits by as much as 95%. (Source: Bain and Co)

So, it's time to knuckle down and focus on your accounts. You need to keep them warm, prevent them from being distracted by other recruiters (or themselves), and monetise them.

​This webinar is a must if you already have automation and need more ROI.

But, it's great too, if you don't yet have automation and want to understand its value.

Watch Our Automation ROI = Account Management Webinar

Automation Buddy

We are Automation Buddies set on helping ambitious recruitment businesses who want to drive revenue using automation.



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