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How to Get Your Recruitment Data Clean and Automated


We know that your recruitment data health makes or breaks your pipeline. Dirty data means more reliance on external systems and data sources just to find what you should already have. Plus it really slows down your placement and billing cycles, and costs you more!

This Bullhorn Automation webinar recording has the sexy topic of data: health, hygiene, monetisation.

This webinar recording helps you assess how to achieve data health (and thus business health) either manually, or by using automation. It's a great watch with lots of tips whether you have Bullhorn Automation or not.

Clean Up Your Recruitment Data So You Can Sell And Grow!

In this recruitment automation webinar we talk about tools and techniques you can use to get your data, clean, healthy, and valuable. This is a great webinar if:

  • You need to improve your data health.

  • You need to reduce costs of and time on LinkedIn Recruiter and Job Boards.

  • You need tips to help you manually clean your recruitment data.

  • You need tips on how to "automate the clean".

  • You are curious about automation, and want to know more about it can help you.

  • You are just starting out with automation and want to "nail it".

  • Or you have automation already but need to take it to the next level and feel that your data health gets in the way of going "turbo".

Data is your gold, your oil - it's a precious resource. It lasts longer than your employees (sorry) but it also gets in the way of a sustainable recruitment business.

Stats to Focus You on Cleaning Your Recruitment Data

Manage your candidate and client data well and you make money from it. Manage your recruitment data poorly and the tech giants make money from you! (Linkedin / Job Boards.)

  • Data degrades at 2% / month (a huge 25% a year).

  • Dirty data can reduce revenue by 12%.

  • Effective use of CRM can boost sales by 29% and productivity 34%.

Let's get your data clean, and automated!

Watch Our "Clean Up Your Data" Webinar

Register for our future webinars, and watch previous webinar recordings here...

​Turbo Data Clean

Hey - Are you dirty? We're offering a new service to Bullhorn Automation clients.

Dirty data costs money, time, sanity, and prevents growth.

Our new “Turbo Clean” service will speedily clean and monetise your Bullhorn data so you can improve performance.

Arrange A Free Consultation


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