F**k Corona! Time to Get Fit, Recruiters!
Prior to today, 60% of recruiters found it hard to deliver results day in and day out. Who knows what the figure is now? We are all on one almighty pit stop! BUT the race is still on - you've not been retired!The recruiters that we work with are shell shocked - there is no book on the current situation. Every day is a new day, with data and news to either make you smile or frown. For those of us who have been through a recession, it's flipping tough - BUT there will be an end to it, and you will be defined by how quick you get out of your pit stop, and get back on the track! This blog is perfect for recruiters who need to focus during this distracting time, and to up the ante and get back in gear!Corona will be smashed! Where will you be when it is?Five Ways to Be Your Best Recruiter Self! I’ll give you 5 tips that will boost your mood, your results, and (ideally) your pay packet! Be Recruitment Fit - A survey of 2,500 companies found that those with “comprehensive training programs” have 218% higher revenue per employee and 24% higher profit margins. So, set dedicated time aside every week to improve your skill, whether you’re new to recruitment, or been in the game a little longer. Ongoing learning will really set you apart from your competitors. This is the time to really “gen up”! Don’t waste it. And don’t wait for your manager to tell you to train yourself. Take control! Know Your Market: 61% of sales prospects said they would be more responsive if they were provided with relevant information. So, you need to know what’s going on in the market. What are you doing to keep abreast of current affairs in your clients market? Do you know what’s happening globally, nationally, or even in their local town that may be effecting their ability to grow business? Yes, the obvious news is the big C word, but there is more than this going on – aim for What’s Your Plan? As the old adage goes, failing to plan equates to planning to fail! This is where too many recruiters go wrong. They land a great job to fill and hit the phones straight away, with very little direction. allocate time to think about options - where might your candidate be now? where might this go wrong - what might I struggle to find - plan for this! Be Consultative Not Sales Driven: 51% of sales leaders focus on increasing customer retention through deeper relationships. Sales are important, but your clients and candidates want to know that you understand their needs. This is SO important right now. Learn what they need. What are their current pain points? What are the key skills that they are struggling to recruit for? Now that recruitment may be on hold (or the total opposite) what can you offer in terms of advice. What are your candidates' motivations? What ignites a fire in their belly about their current role? Find out what their plans are beyond Corona! Actively Recruit At All Times. Just because you don’t have a role to fill right now or you’ve already got your short list together, it doesn’t mean you can sit back and relax! Absolutely not! Recruiters spend, on average, nearly 1/3 of their work week (about 13 hours) sourcing candidates for a single role. Great Recruiters are always recruiting. Make sure you regularly use your CRM to source great candidates which can be built into a search / shortlist ready to go when you win new business. Again, Corona has created a pit stop - use this time to train and network like you mean it! Get cracking with your best practice. Be the recruiter you've likely always wanted to be, but ironically candidates and clients have got in the way! :-)HIIT Us, Recruiters!Our high intensity interval training - Recruitment HIIT - helps recruiters source, convert quicker, and develop healthy pipelines, and recruitment marketers attract, engage, and retain candidates, generate leads, and colleagues (3Cs).TRY RECRUITMENT HIITREAD ABOUT OUR RECRUITMENT TRAININGBOOK A CALL TO DISCUSS RECRUITMENT TRAININGPS. F**k stands for funk ;-)PPS: Lisa is running a webinar for recruiters and recruitment marketers who need to stay focused on - click here for more info about how sales and marketing can work together and be smart in this turbulent time.
Bullhorn Buys Adapt – What Does this Mean for You?
Recruiters, I assume you’re keen to be smarter and bill more this year. You could be 29% more profitable when you use a CRM. Plus 34% more productive! But just as you’re focusing on Brexit getting “done”, and impeachments, 2 things happen to cause a major disruption in The Force!Star Wars 9 wasn’t as good as it could have been Bullhorn Buys Adapt!Bullhorn Buys Adapt… What Happens Now?Actually, not much changes – read Bullhorn’s FAQs on their website:We are committed to supporting Bond customers and ensuring that they are successful moving forward. While we have no plans to accelerate development of new features as part of Bond, we will maintain support for the existing product for the indefinite future. So, Adapt isn’t being “sunsetted” (retired), and Bullhorn will continue to have developers maintaining the product. But, really, what many of our Adapt clients tell me is what they have today works for them. The issue they have is their recruiters’ usage of Adapt, rather than the Adapt CRM itself – and that’s what needs fixing in 2020!I’ve checked in with my team of Adapt trainers (the best Adapt trainers in the business!) and listed below are our 5 reasons to get your Recruiters trained to use Adapt better. Training your recruiters to use Adapt to source, attract, convert, and place candidates and clients is a key goal. You never know, this may also help you retain your recruiters too?Note: if you’re migrating to Bullhorn, keep watching – the tips below are just as useful. We train recruiters to use Bullhorn too!1. Are You Suffering from the 72% Placement Issue?72% of the placements made last year were with candidates you already had (before you spent at least 13 hours sourcing them from LinkedIn and job boards.)So – training your recruiters to clean up (some of their) data and working it is the crux of all of the things you need to do this year.In fact, Bullhorn’s research on what you want to improve tells me that 55% of you see speedier sourcing as your key goal. 2. Recruiters are Distracted 36 x An Hour… No Time for Calls! Recruiters are checking their emails 36 x an hour, and mobiles phone 45 x a day…What a waste of time! Time is needed make calls and interview candidates / convert clients.Again – how have your teams been trained to use Adapt to run their desk?Every client we work with wants their recruiters to make more viable calls… How are you using Adapt to generate warm call lists and turn those candidates and clients into invoices?80% of you want to be more organised, using technology! Adapt’s Planner is a fabulous tool to create order out of potential chaos.3. Your Attrition Is Affected by ChangeThe recruitment industry suffers a whopping 43% attrition rate – and this is often down to a lack of training on core systems. For example, the CIPD note that 2/3 of leavers claim a lack of training is their main reason for quitting. Ask yourself:What training are you delivering this year to KEEP your staff? How are you planning on making them more productive and effective recruiters?It is likely that you have the three things you need…PeopleDataSystemBUT the purpose and process are missing.Did you know that continuous training can increase sales by 50%? More training = more sales!4. How Much Money Are You Spending NOT Using Adapt? Perhaps £140,000?We recently “traffic lighted” a client’s recruitment workflow. What were they doing well (green)?What needed a little retraining (amber)?What parts of the recruitment workflow were they not delivering through Adapt, or not delivering at all (red)?The outcome? We found that a team of 40 recruiters were “drowning” in data and systems and were spending in excess of £140,000 using systems other than Adapt.Plus, dirty data, unhappy recruiters, useless MI, and no doubt lots of missed sales opportunities. (Hence no budget for training!)Processes and ROI skewed by “too many systems not enough process”. (It doesn’t cost £140k to train your teams to use Adapt!)5. 60% of Candidates Have a Poor Experience… But What About Recruiters?There is so much online about the poor candidate experience, and APSCo tells us that most of you want to fix this issue - but what about the recruiter experience? 2/3 of recruiters who quit last year stated "you didn't train me" - what a terrible waste of time and resource, when it takes approx 6-12 months to get a recruiter to decent billing levels. (It costs approx £10,000 to replace a recruiter!)What’s your plan this year to improve your teams’ experience of recruitment and sales? Surely their happiness directly affects that of your candidates (and clients)? And you'll save £100,000s!Adapt CRM: “It’s What You Do With It That Counts!”We’ve spent the last 20 years working with Bond / Erecruit / Bullhorn – we’re pretty good at Adapt and Bullhorn adoption and recruitment training. In fact, we’re one of the few teams who know the difference between the two.Recruitment is a tough market, made up of busy recruiters and sales people. If you’ve not got the time, mindset, or budget to move from Adapt this year think:“It’s what you do with it that counts!” HIIT Us, Recruiters!Our high intensity interval training - Recruitment HIIT - helps recruiters source, convert quicker, and develop healthy pipelines, and recruitment marketers attract, engage, and retain candidates, generate leads, and colleagues (3Cs).TRY RECRUITMENT HIIT FREEREAD ABOUT OUR Recruitment TRAININGBOOK A CALL TO DISCUSS Recruitment TRAINING
Adapt Hack - Improve your Candidate Attraction by 400%
This Adapt training tip is for perfect recruiters who need to prevent their candidates from working with other recruiters - and ultimately protect their sales pipelineCandidate experience is at an all-time low of 60% “unhappy”. This 1-minute Adapt tip will help you to stay engaged with your existing candidates, so they don’t find another recruiter and mess up your pipeline (and make you swear!) (And there are LOADS more Adapt Training tips on our Recruitment HIIT on demand training platform. Click for a free trial.)Improve Your Candidate Attraction by 400%Recruiters love our monthly Adapt Training Tips – these 1-minute videos help you improve speed and sourcing. We know you need more time to bill! Why are you spending 1/3 of your week sourcing when you have enough data already - candidates are 4 x more likely to work with you if you give them interview feedback. The recruiters I train on Adapt love how the interview feedback feature helps them to create the best candidate experience. They love how this helps them to build candidates loyalty and protect their sales pipeline. Are you missing a vital opportunity to engage with your candidates and give them a first-rate experience? Are you working in a candidate-short market, and feel like you’re sourcing all of the time? Are you at risk of losing money to your competitors? Perhaps you know that communication is the key to keeping your best candidates but you’re not sure when you should do it? This Adapt tip will help you build and maintain relationships with your candidates - protect your candidates, your pipeline, and your salary! We LOVE this Adapt Hack, and when we show recruiters, it really helps them focus on what they need to do to recruit and sell more and gives them more of that critical phone and face time. Watch your 1-minute Adapt tip here and protect your candidate pipelineNever miss an Adapt Hack again – sign up to receive your Adapt Training newsletter today.HIIT Us, Recruiters!Our high intensity interval training - Recruitment HIIT - helps recruiters source, convert quicker and develop healthy pipelines, and helps marketers generate more of the 3Cs. We aim to save every recruiter and marketer at least 1 hour per day - more billing time, more fees!TRY RECRUITMENT HIITREAD ABOUT OUR ADAPT TRAININGBOOK A CALL TO DISCUSS ADAPT TRAINING
Recruitment Leaders are Pretty Frustrated
Recruitment leaders are pretty frustrated…For themselves (UK average of 43% attrition)For their managers (poor-performing staff) For their recruiters (dirty data, lack of training and process, systems coming out of every orifice)Recruitment Agencies are in PainThey’re distracted by:Checking their emails 36 x an hour and mobiles 47 x a daySpending (UK average) 13 hours week sourcing candidates they already have on their Bullhorn / Adapt systemsManagers spending 26% of their day managing dataWorking new leads as they have no process for keeping existing clients (even though the probability of selling to existing clients is 60-70% as opposed to 5-20% new business!)In fact – they are so distracted they can’t make the right calls or be tenacious enough to tackle pain point 2 and 4.Recruitment Leaders are Blowing ProfitSpending on average £10k per new starter, as the previous cohort didn’t cut itRecruitment CRM that their staff insist doesn’t drive the process“Compensatory” tech and 3rd party systems which forgives point 2 and creates more distractionsDelivering the wrong training - recruiters are screaming for "consumable" training, ideally OnDemand HIIT-style training (hence why my team and I have created recruitment HIIT)Running a recruitment business is painful!And then you hear about technology which will make the pain go away! Another distraction?Kevin Green Said: 85% of the Value of Your Business is in Your PeopleWhy are 2/3 of your leavers quitting either directly or indirectly through a lack of training? And why are you buying more recruitment tools, when they can't use what they already have? Why is the most important recruitment tool being under invested in... The Recruiter!(What would Kevin say?)I say,fixate on recruitment tech that takes the pain away...that takes away the distractions and the attrition! Focus on your CRM - CRMFirst is my mantra!Using your Recruitment CRM correctly can:Boost Sales by 29%Reduce your attrition by 2/3Prevent the crazy distractions above – no-one is ever trained to check their emails 36 x an hour!Training your staff is an important strategy for this year. Training them the right way is critical.Would 50% More Productivity Suit You?Blended learningis the route to success. OnDemand high intensity interval training, blended with practices, quizzes, webinars, and face to face - recruiters are likely to be 50% more productive with continuous and speedy training! Hence recruitment HIIT.Not training your staff, then blowing £10k replacing each individual… distracting and expensive!If the average recruiter takes 6-12 months to be effective, and then quits, no wonder being a recruitment leader is a tough gig!If experienced recruiters drown under the weight of too much data and systems, please grab the chance to "reboot" them.Just as it's cheaper to sell to existing clients, it's MUCH cheaper to keep your staff then re-recruit!Make the Pain Go AwayI spoke at the Recruitment Agency Expo in February about how recruitment technology should boost process and sales, not simply replace recruiters and increase your expenses.See my slides below – and please arrange a call with me if you want 2020 to be about less distraction, less leavers, and more sustainability and profit. I’m on a mission to work with you to take the pain away.Recruitment Technology and the Rise of the Machines from Barclay Jones: Making Recruiters More SuccessfulContinuous Blended learning is the route to success, not just recruitment training. OnDemand high intensity interval training, blended with practices, quizzes, webinars, and face to face - recruiters are likely to be 50% more productive with continuous and speedy training! Hence recruitment HIIT.HIIT Us, Recruiters!Our high intensity interval training - Recruitment HIIT - helps recruiters source, convert quicker and develop healthy pipelines, and helps marketers generate more of the 3Cs. We aim to save every recruiter and marketer at least 1 hour per day - more billing time, more fees.TRY RECRUITMENT HIITREAD ABOUT OUR RECRUITMENT TRAININGBOOK A CALL TO DISCUSS RECRUITMENT TRAINING
How to Monetise Your Recruitment CRM
Recruiters and recruitment marketers! This is a crucial read if you want to drive this year with a sales-led marketing strategy and “let’s make some money from our recruitment CRM and Recruitment data” plan. Stats tell us that you can improve productivity by 29% if you use your CRM effectively.How Can You Make Money from Your Recruitment CRM? Do you want to make money from your recruitment database (eg. Bullhorn / Adapt), or just spend money on it?Do you want your marketers to generate leads, or just pretty pictures and mugs? Do you want to ensure that your sales team are effective online, and not just on LinkedIn and job boards all day and still only place a small % of their jobs?With the advent of Bullhorn buying Adapt, and Access Group buying Microdec and Volcanic recently, Brexit, and everything else in the recruitment tech and data space, you can be forgiven for wanting to scream… can I just get on with flipping selling and recruiting? These are all best in class recruitment systems, and when used well can really drive profit, if you have a strategy for that to happen!Recruitment Tech – Data in, Invoices Out?But irrespective of which system you have they all have one thing in common – what you put into them and what you get out of them. I’ve been talking to my clients about data, tech and marketing, with the sole aim of trying to help them make sense of something that has been evading them for some time – they have the same questions:How do I get my recruiters to improve their placement rates?How do I get my recruiters to make more phone calls?How do I get my recruiters to source and place, without spending all day on LinkedIn?How do I get my marketers and recruiters working more collaboratively? And get marketing to deliver leads?How do I get candidates to actually come to my website? And how can I get my website to make me money?How do I improve the value of my recruitment business?For me, it’s simple. It’s about 3 things: Data, Systems, PeopleAre People Really Your Most Important Asset?We are often told that our most important asset is our people… but I beg to differ…These days, I’d suggest that data is critical, systems are crucial – and process is the glue that joins the three crucial assets together. People make the systems work, systems drive the process.Hence, people, process AND data are your most important assets.I realise that whilst recruiters and their leaders are great at rolling up their sleeves and mucking in to hit target, recruitment systems and data still appear to be failing to deliver profitable processes. But are systems and data really the issue? Or are the people to blame?Are Your Recruiters the Problem Between the Keyboard and Chair (PIBKAC)?With 2/3 of the UK leavers last year quitting their jobs due to a lack of training, does the recruitment industry suffer the same fate? Does it have a lack of trained recruiters? What is the impact of this? Lost fees, bad reputation, candidates and client-disloyalty? (Currently the average 10-person recruiter blows £10k when someone leaves (contact me to see why).Or, is your recruitment data still holding you back, even though, with GDPR, you thought you’d shed some significant “weight”?Is your recruitment software driving recruitment process, or just driving your recruiters insane and they yell “it’s admin”?Recruitment Process is Key for this Year and BeyondWith the data you have, the systems you use, and the people you employ, you need something that binds them all together. PROCESS!This is why I have come up with the model below. I call it my “dig up stupid” model. This came to me watching the Simpsons “Homer the Vigilante” episode. Admit it – as a recruiter you have “enough” data?But do you have a process for capitalising on it, or simply searching it? Have you divided into 2 of your most important segments (level 2 and 3)? These are the people you have sold to and placed, and those you have met / engaged with but did not convert. What training are you given for effectively using your data and Recruitment CRM?What recruitment systems and processes do you have for your recruiters and marketers to actively convert / retain this data? Or are you fixated on finding new data, and / or getting distracted with data that you genuinely don’t need?Recruitment Data + People + Process = FeesThink about the cash you may be blowing by not training your recruiters to use your systems. And note, that 2/3 of job leavers last year quit through a lack of training. Ask yourselves what you plan to do this year, with GDPR (and Brexit...) out of the way, how are you going to really monetise your recruitment technology?Systems are one thing, getting your recruiters to use them… that’s the key. That's why my team and I have created recruitment HIIT - the only OnDemand Recruitment Training Platform to have both Adapt and Bullhorn (and soon other recruitment software, recruitment best practice, LinkedIn, Job Adverts, Inbound Sales, Recruitment Marketing, and so on...)HIIT Us, Recruiters!Our high intensity interval training - Recruitment HIIT - helps recruiters source, convert quicker, and develop healthy pipelines, and recruitment marketers attract, engage, and retain candidates, generate leads, and colleagues (3Cs).TRY RECRUITMENT HIIT FOR FREEREAD ABOUT OUR RECRUITMENT TRAININGBOOK A CALL TO DISCUSS RECRUITMENT TRAINING
Recruiters! This Adapt Hack Could Save You 25% of Your Day - Outlook Add-in
This Adapt hack is for recruiters and their busy administrators, who need to speed up adding compliance documents to Adapt. We want to help you automate what is likely to be a manual, time-consuming process. PLUS, it will help you keep your pipeline safe.Recruiters! Improve Speed by 25%! We know how precious your time is as a recruiter, especially as temp and contract recruiters and your volumes of compliance and email data.When I show this Outlook Add-in hack to recruiters, they say “that will save me loads of time”. Plus, I know from experience as a recruiter that a big chunk of my day was about getting my documents in the right place, to save me hassle with my pipeline later. (Don’t get me started on GDPR and compliance!)Perhaps you feel that adding docs to Adapt is too time consuming?Everyone needs a holiday (or is off sick) – none of my clients like hunting around for compliance documents!You need to place candidates quicker… you need more time!This Adapt hack will really help recruiters (and their admin) to breeze through their compliance tasks.I love this hack because it creates time for what is actually the best part of your role – placing more candidates and generating more fees!WATCH OUR LATEST ADAPT TIPHIIT Us, Recruiters!Our high intensity interval training - Recruitment HIIT - helps recruiters source, convert quicker, and develop healthy pipelines, and recruitment marketers attract, engage, and retain candidates, generate leads, and colleagues (3Cs).TRY RECRUITMENT HIITREAD ABOUT OUR ADAPT TRAININGBOOK A CALL TO DISCUSS ADAPT TRAINING
Recruiters! Protect your Candidates from the Competition with this Adapt Hack
This Adapt training hack is for recruiters who need to be able to stop their candidates working with other recruiters. With 60% of candidates reporting their experience being poor (an all-time low!) this is a crucial Adapt tip!This one-minute Adapt tip will help you to re-engage with your existing candidates, improve your candidates' experience, and ensure that they do not need to work with another recruiter.Recruiters! Don’t Give Candidates the Cold Shoulder! Recruiters tell us that we run the best Adapt Training, and every month we create a quick Adapt video hack to help you improve speed and sourcing. We know you need more time to bill! It’s not just clients that feel the cold. Keep your candidates toastie warm with this little-known Adapt training hack. Perhaps you already know you have the perfect candidate in your Adapt system, but you’re not sure when to reach out to themAre you missing vital opportunities to re-engage with candidates coming to the end of their assignments? You need to actively look after themAre you at risk of losing money to your competitors by simply not looking like you care?Do you wish that there was a way to see, at-a-glance, the candidates that are ripe for recruiting into their next placement and your next sale?Adapt Studios are at the heart of your Adapt success – they help recruiters with their most common problem – managing their data and turning it into cash!The recruiters I train on Adapt love how this feature helps them to close sales quicker whilst working more effectively with their top notch candidates. They love how this helps them to protect their candidates and thus their sales pipeline.Watch this Adapt Training HackHIIT Us, Recruiters!Our high intensity interval training - Recruitment HIIT - helps recruiters source, convert quicker, and develop healthy pipelines, and recruitment marketers attract, engage, and retain candidates, generate leads, and colleagues (3Cs).TRY RECRUITMENT HIITREAD ABOUT OUR ADAPT TRAININGBOOK A CALL TO DISCUSS ADAPT TRAINING
Recruiters! Source Quicker! Put Your Candidates on the Map
Many of us are visual creatures, and Recruiters and Resourcers are no different! But the recruitment process doesn’t feel very visual does it? Typical no? But wouldn’t it be great if your Bullhorn CRM system could give you some visual insights? Like show you where your relevant candidates are located in relation to the role you're sourcing? Visually? On one screen?Candidate sourcing is all about… Location, Location, Location!We run the best Bullhorn Training, and publish regular recruiter hacks to improve speed and ROI.This relatively unknown hack is a game changer! I have had some fantastic feedback from Recruiters when I have showed them this in training sessions. It will help you to know your patch, improve your data quality, and effectively source quicker!Do you recruit for roles in areas where you’re not totally familiar with the location?Are your candidates declining roles due to distance or commute times?Is sourcing slowing you down?This Bullhorn hack will show you how to:Put multiple candidates on the map, at once.Rule out irrelevant candidates quickly.Improve your knowledge of the local area you are recruiting in.Watch the Bullhorn Hack here!HIIT Us, Recruiters!Our high intensity interval training - Recruitment HIIT - helps recruiters source, convert quicker, and develop healthy pipelines, and recruitment marketers attract, engage, and retain candidates, generate leads, and colleagues (3Cs).TRY RECRUITMENT HIIT FOR FREEREAD ABOUT OUR BULLHORN TRAININGBOOK A CALL TO DISCUSS BULLHORN TRAINING
Recruiters! Find Your Candidates in Bullhorn Faster than the Bullhorn Fastfind!
This excellent Bullhorn Training hack is perfect for Recruiters, Resourcers and Administrators who want to find their best candidates and clients incredibly quickly in Bullhorn.You will no doubt be juggling multiple roles and candidates. Without Bullhorn it would be easy to lose track of your next key task. This 1-minute Bullhorn Hack video will show you how to access your important records faster than even Bullhorn’s speedy “fastfind”. Recruiters! Source Your Candidates Quickly!We run the best Bullhorn Training, and publish regular recruiter hacks to improve speed and ROI.This simple, yet incredibly powerful hack, is very popular during my Bullhorn training sessions. It will automate a key activity – sourcing – and save you valuable time. You’ll keep your data clean and your candidates and clients happy!Do you work in a fast-paced environment where ‘phone tennis’ with your candidates and clients is common?Do you work closely with your colleagues passing on important messages?Do you suffer from poor data quality or even duplicate records in your Bullhorn system and need to fix this issue?This Bullhorn hack will show you how to:Find the right records quickly!Improve internal communication within your recruitment team.Improve your service offering to clients and candidates with slick and effective processes.Watch This Time-Saving Candidate Sourcing Hack for BullhornHIIT Us, Recruiters!Our high intensity interval training - Recruitment HIIT - helps recruiters source, convert quicker, and develop healthy pipelines, and recruitment marketers attract, engage, and retain candidates, generate leads, and colleagues (3Cs).TRY RECRUITMENT HIIT FOR FREEREAD ABOUT OUR BULLHORN TRAININGBOOK A CALL TO DISCUSS BULLHORN TRAINING
Bullhorn Tip: Massively Reduce Your Sourcing Time with Quick Notes
Recruitment Consultants and Resourcers, this Bullhorn hack will significantly improve your sourcing experience and save you valuable time. After all, the average recruiter spends 13 hours per week sourcing outside of Bullhorn, when 18mins should be all you need! Imagine what you could do with 12 hours more per week! (Go home, or make more placements?)With 1 in 4 recruiters feeling that their recruitment tech is too complicated, and 2/3rds of recruiters quitting due to a lack of training, you need to use your Bullhorn systems to enable you to recruit better rather than prevent you from recruiting. 60% of Candidates Hate Working with RecruitersCandidate experience is at an all-time low – 60% of candidates are unhappy with the service they receive from you. So, we’ve created this Bullhorn Tip to help you use Bullhorn first and save time. Not only will this save you clicks (and precious time) but it will also provide you with instant insight into your candidate, improve your data quality and ultimately allow you to source the right candidate for the role quickly. (Then spend of your day doing, who knows, billing?)We run the best Bullhorn Training and this Bullhorn tip always gets the green light in our training sessions and webinars.Do you need more time to recruit?Do you have poor data on your Bullhorn system, and this drive you out of the system?Do you need to speed up your sourcing activity?Do you need to collaborate with your team more efficiently?This Bullhorn hack will show you how to:Access candidate notes quicklyRecord candidate notes in minimum timeCollaborate with your team effectivelyWatch Your Latest Bullhorn Tip HereHIIT Us, Recruiters!Our high intensity interval training - Recruitment HIIT - helps recruiters source, convert quicker, and develop healthy pipelines, and recruitment marketers attract, engage, and retain candidates, generate leads, and colleagues (3Cs).TRY RECRUITMENT HIIT FOR FREEREAD ABOUT OUR BULLHORN TRAININGBOOK A CALL TO DISCUSS BULLHORN TRAINING
A 9-Minute Bullhorn HIIT to Improve Sales and Sourcing
Recruiters! We know you often feel like you don’t have enough hours in the day to do all your admin AND really nail your sales targets. Bullhorn has some great features to make your life easier. But where do you start? Do you ever log in to your Bullhorn CRM and think: Am I using Bullhorn to its full potential?ORHow can I speed up my day?A 9-Minute HIIT for Bullhorn RecruitersRecruitment Leaders ask us to help their staff get more from Bullhorn. Often Recruiters have too much tech and not enough process, and it can feel like a bit of a mess.You need to focus in on specific muscle groups (tasks) to speed up your day and HIIT (high intensity interval training) is key! Here are 9 simple, one-minute hacks to complete at the start of your day to get you off on the right foot. Grab some quick wins before your first cup of coffee has even started to cool down – go for that afterburn! We have been talking about HIIT for a while now, and the benefits of short, sharp bursts of training that really sticks are far more impactful than long-winded full day recruitment training sessions.94% of RecruitersDid you know that 94% of recruiters prefer micro-learning (essentially HIIT), because they can juggle the demands of their jobs better? Recruiters need more time to bill, so ensuring that training is both time effective and really sticks is crucial to recruiter success. These 9 one-minute Bullhorn hacks will help you to get yourself ship shape before your day has even properly begun:boost your productivityorganise your dayimprove the quality of your Bullhorn data for impressive sourcing resultsgenerate key leads and job opportunities to convertnurture and convert your existing candidate baseThis Simple Bullhorn Hack only needs to be done once, so straight away we have saved you a minute each day! You can automatically launch various entities or menu options when you first log into Bullhorn by updating your user preferences within your Tools menu. Perhaps you check your tasks list first thing every morning? Well, you can launch the tasks list automatically. This saves you a few clicks every day… but more importantly sets up the remaining 8 hacks by creating your morning task list.Review Your Open Vacancies - Run your 'favourite' search in your Bullhorn jobs list to review your list of open jobs. Assess, without leaving the list, which jobs need more focus today by adding the ‘shortlist’, ‘CV sent’ and ‘interview’ columns to your list. You can also use this time to close down any lost jobs and add in any new vacancies.Complete a Task – Open your Bullhorn task list, filter by your incomplete tasks for today and quickly complete one of your due tasks. It will feel great to have one important task ticked off immediately. Perhaps, you need to email a candidate to set up a call, chase an up to date CV, confirm terms with a client or even nudge a hiring manager to confirm an interview time? Plan Your Day – Or rather take a peek at the plan that has already been made for you by Bullhorn in the planner. Check you are prepared for today's upcoming pre-screens, client visits and interviews. Once you have logged these activities in Bullhorn they are automatically created in the planner. This would be a great time to send that good luck text or email to the candidate who has that 10am interview today?Blitz Your Candidate Data Quality - Run your 'favourite' search in the Bullhorn candidate list that shows you the added candidate from yesterday. Using the pre-saved columns you set up - you can review all important fields in one page and the in-line editing feature allows you to update any missing data without leaving the list. This will ensure that the Bullhorn searches you run tomorrow and in the future are worth their weight in gold.Set Your Goals - Review your activity from yesterday. Whether you are using Goals & Quotas, Reports or an integrated reporting solution you need to look at your core activity over the recent days / weeks and plan your goals for today. How many CV sends, Interviews, new jobs onboarded, or calls do you need to stay on target?Add a Lead - open your leads or opportunities list to review your sales activity. Add one more lead or opportunity to the list you are working on today. Think of all the conversations you had yesterday and add that lead you picked up that you didn't have time to add yesterday, add that lead you just picked up on your morning LinkedIn scroll, or pick a target client and add that new contact or job you just saw on their website.Get a Quick Send Out - Look at your open jobs and pick one that is similar to jobs you have worked in the past (think of a time when you have sent similar candidates through Bullhorn). Open your shortlist and filter on similar job titles to bring up a list of candidates that progressed to CV send or interview in previous months. These candidates are hot, relevant and will take your call. Get a quick win by recycling your previous pipeline.Build Your Contact Spec List - which hot new candidate will you eshot out today? Run a contact search for relevant hiring managers based on their desired skills, categories and industries as well as postcode radius, and quickly check they are still relevant and have a valid email address. Do a quick tidy and the list is ready for your eshot later today...Want to be a super-effective recruiter? Check out our Our Top Bullhorn CRM Hacks for Recruiters and our 9 Minute HIIT to help you get on the phone.HIIT Us, Recruiters!Our high intensity interval training - Recruitment HIIT - helps recruiters source, convert quicker, and develop healthy pipelines, and recruitment marketers attract, engage, and retain candidates, generate leads, and colleagues (3Cs).TRY RECRUITMENT HIIT FOR FREEREAD ABOUT OUR BULLHORN TRAININGBOOK A CALL TO DISCUSS BULLHORN TRAINING
How Can Planning With Bullhorn Save Recruiters Time?
Recruiters! This Bullhorn training hack will you stay thoroughly in control of your pipeline! You need more time to spend on the phone and convert / retain those candidates and clients.Are you struggling to see a clear picture of your team’s planned activity over the coming days and weeks? Are you using multiple systems that don’t talk to each other? With everyone doing it differently? Successful recruiters do lots of the right activity in the right areas. They build up their pipeline and manage it well. This includes a regular stream of client meetings, a constant flow of candidate screenings and of course those all-important interviews. All these face to face interactions are crucial in our world, and we need to stay thoroughly in control of our pipeline of meetings and interviews.But with 45% of recruiters viewing their CRM as a waste of time and money, it’s no wonder that most recruiters aren’t using Bullhorn to its full potential. You need your Bullhorn CRM to help generate leads and profit, and you need to see ROI. Planning is the Key to Recruitment Success!Wouldn’t it be great if your Bullhorn Recruitment database could give you an instant visual of all your appointment-based activities (as well as your colleagues’) in one place? You can review your interview pipeline, edit meetings quickly and access key records to record interviews, pre-screen and visit notes in the blink of an eye.Our clients tell us that we run the best Bullhorn Training, and create monthly recruiter hacks and tips to improve your speed and ROI.Recruiters love this simple hack! I have shown many recruitment professionals this during training sessions and they immediately tell me how much time it will save them.Do you track your interviews outside of your CRM system to pipeline?Do you need quick access to your core recruitment activity in one place?Is diary management slowing you down?This Bullhorn hack will show you how to:Access your forecasted client meetings, candidate screening and interviews – in one place!Edit Appointments quicklyReview your team’s pipelineWatch Our Bullhorn Hack Here!HIIT Us, Recruiters!Our high intensity interval training - Recruitment HIIT - helps recruiters source, convert quicker, and develop healthy pipelines, and recruitment marketers attract, engage, and retain candidates, generate leads, and colleagues (3Cs).TRY RECRUITMENT HIITREAD ABOUT OUR BULLHORN TRAININGBOOK A CALL TO DISCUSS BULLHORN TRAINING
Clean data
Improved recruiter performance
Engaged candidates
Retained clients