Recruitment marketers who want to make a real difference to the sales and recruiting process of their businesses need to read these recruitment marketing insights.
Recruitment leaders who are looking to generate more from their marketing function can use Lisa's insights to help them drive marketing ROI.
Vanity v Sanity
Recruitment marketing can often stray into "vanity" world. It's never been easier to "spray and pray" with marketing due to automation and AI. The sheer volume of platforms you can use for recruitment marketing, and the communities you can access and attract, can keep even the most well-intended marketer too busy to generate ROI.
But with 69% of online content never even being read, and the vast majority of emails never being responded to, it's never been more important to be targeted with your recruitment marketing and focus on the sanity!
Lisa has done a lot of work with recruiters over the years helping them shape their recruitment marketing strategies, so I made her a rare coffee and asked her 9 questions about recruitment marketing ROI.
9 Questions I Asked Lisa About Recruitment Marketing ROI
1. What is the Function of Recruitment Marketing?
Crucially to attract, engage, convert, and retain your 3Cs – candidates, clients, colleagues.
And to help your sales and recruiting teams turn them into the 4th C – cash!
2. What is the Number 1 Benefit of Recruitment Marketing?
Leads (candidate and client) are key...
But often the expectations of what recruitment marketing can do are too low and KPIs are mistakenly around followers, impressions, blogging… The benefits of recruitment marketing need to be SANE not VANE.
3. How Should You Measure ROI on Recruitment Marketing?
Stick to “sanity stats”: Leads generated. Relevant subscribers signed up. Automation click throughs. Don’t not be fooled by people telling you that it’s difficult to measure ROI in recruitment marketing.
4. What is the Difference Between Outbound and Inbound Recruiting?
It is the difference between the more traditional approaches to marketing (email marketing / events) and digital (social / web). Push and pull!
It’s all about whether you’re interrupting someone’s day with your messages or whether they perceive that they initiate the contact.
The key to successful recruitment marketing, whether it be in or out bound, is that the candidate / client feels that they are the initiator... But actually the marketer has stealthily exposed the candidate's / client’s and drove them to click / call you.
5. Is Recruitment Marketing Only for Large Companies?
All recruitment companies need recruitment marketing.
And every recruiter needs to be a recruitment marketer in some way. (Another blog for another day...)
Recruitment HIIT has some cool hacks to help recruitment consultants market themselves, their brand, and their services, too!
6. What’s the Number 1 Pitfall in Recruitment Marketing?
Too much content, not enough marketing! And too much marketing, not enough sales!
7. What's Your Number 1 Hack for Content in Recruitment Marketing?
69% of content is never even seen, so wasting time creating new content, especially in the current market, is nuts!
Repurpose old content. Repurpose other people's content.
Create blogs out of blogs eg. "3 Insights We Found Online That Every Accountant Needs to Read this Week"
And if you really need to create your own content, ask your recruiters to ask the right questions on their screening and sales calls and then craft insightful blogs to attract and engage your community. eg...
What 's the best tech every teacher uses to create lesson plans?
How do you think AI will affect your job in the next 5 years?
How has your legal firm been affected by WFH?
My Recruitment Training platform, Recruitment HIIT has some cool hacks to try, too!
8. What is the Recruitment Marketer’s Essential Tech Stack?
You can get lost in the tech, but as a starter I'd suggest:
Trello for planning.
Google Analytics for website ROI.
Bullhorn Automation (if you have Bullhorn).
An SEO toolkit like SEMRush/AHRefs to turbo boost content – and Keywords Everywhere is flipping awesome!
Speedy video and image software such as Canva to "stretch" content – remember, “less content, more marketing!”
I mentioned other tech in
My Recruitment Training platform, Recruitment HIIT.
9. How Can Focus Your Time and Attention and Not Stray into Vanity Territory?
Plus, I say to my clients who are looking to hire / get more from marketing and need focused revenue-generating outputs.
“Imagine if your recruitment marketer had only 1 hour a day to make a real difference, what should they do? Then times that by 7 and that’s the job spec”.
Often recruitment marketers spend too long doing things that people have asked them to do that offer no real value to recruitment and sales. Stay focussed on the WIIFMB - what's in it for my business?
Automation Buddy
We are Automation Buddies set on helping ambitious recruitment businesses who want to increase speed and sales.
We coach to inspire amazing automation ROI, and are a safe pair of hands to build your automations so you can recruit and sell more.
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Bullhorn Tip - Source Quicker With Favourites
We've got a favourite 1-minute Bullhorn tip to help you source quicker. Drowning in candidates but needing to find them quickly can be super frustrating - and massively time-consuming. Spending too long sourcing means the rest of your recruitment workflow (screening, nurturing, managing, placing) takes a hit! We have a Bullhorn tip to help you increase sourcing speed. (Who needs LinkedIn and job adverts when you likely have all the candidates you need on Bullhorn already!?) Favourite the Search! You likely need lists of tip-top candidates you want to return to at speed. Creating a search and favouriting it is a must!You can even make your searches Public (sharing is caring) or Private.Easy! Watch my 1-minute Bullhorn tip - then go to Bullhorn and create some faves! Watch Our Bullhorn Tip to Create Favourite SearchesNeed more Bullhorn / Automation Tips? Try our 1-minute tips.Be sure to sign up for (or watch the recordings of) our regular free Bullhorn and Automation webinars.CHECK OUT OUR WEBINARSBullhorn TrainingWe deliver the best Recruitment and Bullhorn training through live webinars and our online training platform, Recruitment HIIT.Our recruitment training helps new and experienced recruiters qualify their jobs, speedily source and advertise, and improve their screening. It boosts CV to interview ratios, whilst giving great tips to prevent counter offers, and secure the placement and beyond.Plus, if you have Bullhorn, Analytics, Automation, SourceBreaker, LinkedIn, Calendly, Teams, Daxtra, Broadbean, idibu, Hinterview, Paiger, Adapt, we train on those too!TRY HIIT FREE HERE
Bullhorn Tip - Get Organised with Tasks
Try to this speedy Bullhorn 1-minute tip to help you get organised and do more of the "good stuff"!We know that the average recruiter needs a time machine, a PA, a 24-hour day, and a sense of humour! And we know that productivity in recruitment has never been more important!Recruiter Productivity StatsThe average employee spends 2 hours 11 minutes procrastinating every day. (Source: Zippia)Up to 80% of the average working day is spent on activities with little or no value. (Source: Cornerstone)Recruiters have no more than a total of 75 minutes of undistracted, productive working time per day. (Source: Cal Newport)But if you have Bullhorn, the Task feature will help you stay focused, and at least keep your candidate and client activities on track!Don't Miss Opportunities!In the very least, use Bullhorn Tasks to:Manage your candidate management tasks.Drive your client sales / BD / Account management tasks.Turbo your recruitment lifecycle and ensure that you get your jobs placed and quick!Optimise your placement process: referrals, check-ins, follow-ups, feedback, testimonials.Watch Our 1-Minute Bullhorn Tip to Help You Get Organised with TasksNeed more LinkedIn / Bullhorn / Automation / Recruitment Tips?Try our 1-minute tips.Be sure to sign up for (or watch the recordings of) our regular free Bullhorn and Automation webinars.CHECK OUT OUR WEBINARSBullhorn ROI + Trained Happy Recruiters = More SalesWe pride ourselves on helping recruitment leaders achieve Bullhorn ROI. We create a Bullhorn1st vision, reduce the need for other tech, optimise Bullhorn, automate their sales-prevention processes and data, and train recruiters to trust it and use it.ARRANGE A FREE CONSULTATION NOW
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