The Recruitment Marketers I mentor are keen to demonstrate and deliver Recruitment Marketing ROI. Recruitment Leaders want them to do more than simply "colouring in". Recruitment Businesses are often known for their KPI and Scorecard cultures... but marketers are often left out of what I call "sane" KPIs, in favour of "vain" metrics. This creates even more suspicion over what marketers actually do to add value. This blog will give you some tips on what you need to measure in recruitment marketing.
The Colouring-In Department and Greg Savage
I’ve written about recruitment marketers being more than simply a colouring-in-department and the brand police.
There is often the perception that the average marketing department has lots of felt tipped pens and Canva, and is awaiting requests for another PowerPoint deck and job advert image creating. This is exacerbated by the KPIs they have (or often don’t have) and the metrics that they measure.
You will have all heard the term:
Revenue is vanity. Profit is sanity. Cash is reality
My friend Greg Savage wrote about it in the recruiting sense back in 2015.
I regularly talk to my clients about vanity vs sanity metrics in recruitment marketing. When I start working with a recruiter I see:
Sales people have KPIs / targets / goals / commission
Marketers have… well, er… communities to grow, time to tweet, lists of documents to brand…
And then the marketing function appears to offer little ROI.
Vanity Metrics for Recruitment Marketers
Here are some examples of what I call “vanity marketing metrics”:
Impressions / Likes / Followers / Engagement – none of these make money and leads
Get shortlisted for an award
Numbers of web hits / unique visits
Email open rate
Increase Glassdoor Rating from 3 to 4
Increase CEO Approval on Glassdoor from 70% to 80%
Generating advocates for your content
Google Analytics Goals
The reason that these are vanity metrics is that a sane person / sales person who is not close to hitting target is likely to say “so what” to the above. Winning an award doesn’t make you more money, it’s what you do with it that counts (I have a blog for Awards ROI!). Generating a higher ranking on Glassdoor does not generate recruiter talent all by itself. Gathering more followers… well with GDPR coming, your chance of spamming them is about to disappear (or is it?). Your web is attracting lots of people who don’t apply for jobs… read my mind!
Recruitment marketers need to be allowed to demonstrate sanity to generate ROI.
This does not mean that the “vane data” I often see measured is not needed – vanity is key, but it is just the beginning. Start with the vanity scores, but have a plan for sanity.
Have a plan for the C-word!
Sanity is a C-Word!
The 3Cs of recruitment marketing: Candidates, clients, consultants! They are the key three audiences of a recruitment marketer, so KPIs and day to day metrics need to be focussed on these. And if the leaders or the recruitment business are looking to sell / gain investment, then add an I!
Sanity Metrics for Recruitment Marketers
My clients will often hear me say:
Marketers should never be targeted with the sales generated, but they should absolutely take credit for them.
How about these as some example sanity metrics?
Convertible leads generated
LTV (life time value of leads)
Recruiters attracted (of the correct “grade”)
Candidates registered (of the correct “grade”)
Client meetings generated from events
Marketers in recruitment need more sanity measures. They need to be allowed to develop lead generating / recruiter attracting / client engaging strategies – otherwise, it’s back to making things look pretty and managing job board budgets.
Let’s also not forget that often recruitment marketers are not set SMART goals. Too often I see a lack of expectation of marketing demonstrated through the “woolly” goals which are set.
ROI is Vain and Sane
So, recruitment leaders, if you want ROI from marketing, have SMART and sane expectations of your marketers. Recruitment marketers – develop strategies and tactics to deliver goals around sanity, as well as vanity.
And don’t forget the c-words in recruitment marketing. I train and mentor recruitment marketers to deliver the 4Cs - candidates, clients, colleagues, and cash!
HIIT Us, Recruiters!
Our high intensity interval training - Recruitment HIIT - helps recruiters source, convert quicker, and develop healthy pipelines, and recruitment marketers attract, engage, and retain candidates, generate clients, and colleagues (3Cs).
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Bullhorn Tip - Source Quicker With Favourites
We've got a favourite 1-minute Bullhorn tip to help you source quicker. Drowning in candidates but needing to find them quickly can be super frustrating - and massively time-consuming. Spending too long sourcing means the rest of your recruitment workflow (screening, nurturing, managing, placing) takes a hit! We have a Bullhorn tip to help you increase sourcing speed. (Who needs LinkedIn and job adverts when you likely have all the candidates you need on Bullhorn already!?) Favourite the Search! You likely need lists of tip-top candidates you want to return to at speed. Creating a search and favouriting it is a must!You can even make your searches Public (sharing is caring) or Private.Easy! Watch my 1-minute Bullhorn tip - then go to Bullhorn and create some faves! Watch Our Bullhorn Tip to Create Favourite SearchesNeed more Bullhorn / Automation Tips? Try our 1-minute tips.Be sure to sign up for (or watch the recordings of) our regular free Bullhorn and Automation webinars.CHECK OUT OUR WEBINARSBullhorn TrainingWe deliver the best Recruitment and Bullhorn training through live webinars and our online training platform, Recruitment HIIT.Our recruitment training helps new and experienced recruiters qualify their jobs, speedily source and advertise, and improve their screening. It boosts CV to interview ratios, whilst giving great tips to prevent counter offers, and secure the placement and beyond.Plus, if you have Bullhorn, Analytics, Automation, SourceBreaker, LinkedIn, Calendly, Teams, Daxtra, Broadbean, idibu, Hinterview, Paiger, Adapt, we train on those too!TRY HIIT FREE HERE
Bullhorn Tip - Get Organised with Tasks
Try to this speedy Bullhorn 1-minute tip to help you get organised and do more of the "good stuff"!We know that the average recruiter needs a time machine, a PA, a 24-hour day, and a sense of humour! And we know that productivity in recruitment has never been more important!Recruiter Productivity StatsThe average employee spends 2 hours 11 minutes procrastinating every day. (Source: Zippia)Up to 80% of the average working day is spent on activities with little or no value. (Source: Cornerstone)Recruiters have no more than a total of 75 minutes of undistracted, productive working time per day. (Source: Cal Newport)But if you have Bullhorn, the Task feature will help you stay focused, and at least keep your candidate and client activities on track!Don't Miss Opportunities!In the very least, use Bullhorn Tasks to:Manage your candidate management tasks.Drive your client sales / BD / Account management tasks.Turbo your recruitment lifecycle and ensure that you get your jobs placed and quick!Optimise your placement process: referrals, check-ins, follow-ups, feedback, testimonials.Watch Our 1-Minute Bullhorn Tip to Help You Get Organised with TasksNeed more LinkedIn / Bullhorn / Automation / Recruitment Tips?Try our 1-minute tips.Be sure to sign up for (or watch the recordings of) our regular free Bullhorn and Automation webinars.CHECK OUT OUR WEBINARSBullhorn ROI + Trained Happy Recruiters = More SalesWe pride ourselves on helping recruitment leaders achieve Bullhorn ROI. We create a Bullhorn1st vision, reduce the need for other tech, optimise Bullhorn, automate their sales-prevention processes and data, and train recruiters to trust it and use it.ARRANGE A FREE CONSULTATION NOW
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